
The Awful Fic Pt. 1
The Awful Fic Pt. 2
The Awful Fic Pt. 2 Epilogue
The Awful Fic Pt. 2 Postscript
The Awful Fic Pt. 3
The Awful Fic Pt. 2 Epilogue

"Brackett?" the other four members of Major Crime chorused in horrified awe.

Simon, Jim and Blair looked at each other. A slow smile graced each face as they turned to the door and whispered "Sic'em."

At that command, the wolf and jag materialized out of nowhere, as far as Bracket was concerned, and leaped toward him. Back peddling out of the doorway into the snow bank he floundered trying to escape the two spirit animals.

He failed.